Friday, July 20, 2007

if only - observations of a perfectionist

Overheard yesterday at Greenlake while jogging (slowly enough to hear peoples' conversations...)
"I definitely think I'm going to sign up for Yoga on Mondays and Tuesdays. I need to start doing something."
"If only I could actually be diligent about it, I'd be in great shape."

I have purchased notebooks for the sole purpose of making lists. To-do lists, food lists, exercise lists, grocery lists, housecleaning lists, lists of books I intend to read, lists of people I intend to email. The list (of lists) goes on and on. Here's the problem with list-making. List-making doesn't actually get anything done. If it did, I would be productive to Wendy-like proportions. Korwin has read some parts of Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity by David Allen - I like the idea that by writing things down, you remove them from the swimming pool of your brain and allow yourself space to think about new things. That's still no guarantee that you get anything done, which probably just means that I actually need to read the book.

Katie suggested starting one new habit per week. I like that idea. Sounds achievable.

Next week, here's my new habit: a new list, called an action list. At the end of the day, I will write down what I did that day. In order to live my life next week, I will not make any to-do, to-buy, to-write, or to-figure out lists. I will just live.

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